Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 31, 2010-Halloween

So this is walk #304 and what better or fitting place to take a walk today than in a cemetery?  This is Serenity Gardens, located about a quarter mile down the road from me.  This will be the first time I've walked IN the cemetery, rather than just BY it.  I was surprised that a couple of the graves were decorated for Halloween.  This balloon was dancing eerily above this tombstone, and as I took out my camera to photograph it, the balloon literally turned slowly to face me, and rose up to the top of it's tether line.  I found that a little creepy.

I remember thinking this would be a lot creepier at night, or with a storm as a back drop.

I just wanted to get this picture done, and get out of there.  My overactive mind had me thinking about fingers clawing at my back, as outstretched arms sought to grab me from inside the vault.

Another eerie tomb, I'm glad I'm here by the light of day.

As I was leaving the cemetery, through the bushes I noticed SOME sort of wild animal walking toward me. Fearing that it might be a coyote, I had my camera poised to shoot at the thing that was about to consume me. As it walked by... I made a beeline for the exit, but shot this picture of this dog walking through the cemetery. It was collared, and didn't look wild, but I'm glad it didn't see me, and went on it's way. The journey continues...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

October 30, 2010

Walk #303 is on a Saturday, and I headed down to Redington Shores where I planned on walking the beach, but this shot was just so beautiful.  This is a little inlet which is an offshoot of the intercoastal.  This is a little lagoon, and the entrance, or exit depending on whether you're coming or going is straight ahead.

Some typical weathered siding on local businesses along Gulf Blvd. in Redington Shores.

I made it to the Redington Shores Long Pier.  This has been a landmark since I vacationed here as a child.

Try to get a decent shot of the beach, and these hotties just keep getting in the way! 

I just thought this shot said "Florida". Can't believe how WARM it is still at this time of year. It'll be November in 2 days, and the temps today are near 90.

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 29, 2010

 Tonight is walk 302, and its at Morton Plant Hospital again.  Tonight, I'm showing off my bridge.
 Sundown, you better take care if I find you been creepin' 'round my back stairs.
 Bubber with the thumbs up.  She just finished working at Subway and came along for the walk.
One of the research experiments has broken loose from the geriatric program...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 28, 2010

 Today's walk is #301 and I'm visiting Morton Plant Hospital because my Dad was taken here today for pneumonia.  He developed some serious chest congestion over the last couple of days, and I think they got him here well in time.  He was comfortable, and resting.  Love Dad, hate that he has to be here.  Love the staff here, hate the illness that BRINGS you here.  Love the view of the Gulf from here, hate that I have to view it from the hospital.  You see?  It's a love/hate relationship.

 You have to admit, the building DOES cast a striking profile against the clear blue sky.

 On the way to the hospital, sitting at a stoplight, I turned my head and noticed that I was at the perfect distance and angle to capture this.  If you look closely at the fans you'll see "YARB" on the side, but it's actually Yarborough Electrical.  I pretended they were MY fleet, and that I was a business owner.

I stopped down to see the sun set at one of my favorite spots, and all these seagulls were hovering over this one spot.  It wasn't until I got out of my car to shoot this picture that I noticed that the couple sitting in the PT Cruiser had dumped an entire bag of popcorn out of their car.  Not a cool thing to do if you love your car CLEAN!

October 27, 2010 - Walk 300

Tonight, it's walk 300 and I'm heading out to St. Pete Beach for a picture at the Don Cesar.  Mike Bansavage is along for the occasion, and he'll be handling some of the photography.  To get to the beach, you have to walk through winding paths between these sea oats.  They make really artistic silhouettes against the backdrop of the setting sun.

I made it to the Don, and I'm flashing my 300 gang sign.

A fan flyer passes in front of us, and I HAD to capture it against the backdrop of the setting sun.

Commemorating the walk in stone... well, sand anyway.

The Don Cesar.  A historic pink landmark in the Bay area.

Another fan flyer passes overhead.

The sun sets on another walk.  This one, a milestone in my journey to 365.

That's Mike watching the fan flyer soar overhead. The journey continues...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26, 2010

 This is a car I saw on my way TO walk #299.  I had the day off to do some errands, and I walked only around the nursing home today.  I'm sort of disappointed in myself for taking a simple walk, but tomorrow is another day and I'll do better.

Walk #299.  The journey continues...

October 25, 2010

 Tonight, I'm taking walk #298 around the neighborhood, and found a lot of green still, even in Autumn.
 Sunsets are much better when there are clouds involved!  And I love the landscape silhouetted against the sky.
 This is one of the cooler, scarier homes on the street.  This 2-story faux Victorian.  The Halloween decorations are minimal, but well placed.  There is a creepy skeleton in a black robe that sits on the porch, and as you walk by you can feel him staring at you!

The road ahead.  The journey continues...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

October 24, 2010

 Walk #297 was for this man today.  This is Harry Coiner.  He and his wife Jennie were my next door neighbors.  But Harry passed away on Friday after losing his battle with pancreatic cancer.  Harry was an amazingly cheerful man, talented painter, wonderful father, grandfather and husband.  

I am walking to Harry's memorial service today.  It's about a mile away, and I thought that a walk, today to honor him would last forever.  Harry would've thought this was pretty neat.

 The church.

 They turned out by the dozens to pay respect to their friend, father, grandfather and husband.  A remarkable and memorable service for a well loved man.  Somehow, it is fitting.

I've walked by this church at least two dozen times in my walks last year and was always fascinated by the structure.  I never got "the perfect" picture of this place until today.  Somehow, I think Harry had something to do with that, and I will always think of him as I pass here... as the journey continues.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 23, 2010

 Walk #296 this morning takes place right at sunrise on Indian Rocks Beach.  I wanted to capture the way the Gulf looks when the sun is rising on the other coast.  The full moon was still in the sky, but didn't last long, finally disappearing when it got lighter.

 Yep, this is me.  Up... out... and at 'em early on a Saturday morning.  Who wants to sleep in when you have all this?

 Catching signs of first light coming up from the other coast.  For me, I'd rather have sunsets.

 This shot was interesting to me because it appears at first glance to just be shapes.  But here we have three of the four elements... earth, air and land.

 This guy was NOT shy having his picture taken.  He's waiting up on the beach, watching fishermen do their thing in the Gulf.  Usually, they toss these guys some bait scraps.

I loved the colors and composition in this picture.  It could definitely be a painting.  In fact.  I think I'll turn this one into an art piece.  I love this walking life with photography.  The journey continues...

Friday, October 22, 2010

October 22, 2010

 Tonight is walk #295, five away from magic 300.  Just a short trip around the neighborhood... enjoy!

October 21, 2010

 Welcome to the new blog spot.  Looks like we ran out of room on the first one, but glad to be here.  So this is walk #294, I'm back out with the girls Kristin and Kelly, and we're doing the Carillon boardwalk today.  There seems to have been some gator babies added to the lake, we're seeing them everywhere.

 Kristin and Kelly walking and talking.  Kelly giving me that neverending encouragement!  She's awesome at that.
 And the walks continue, and here I get to see my baggy pants and crazy walk.  Thanks Kristin for shooting my best side.  

 Still not happy with my belly yet, that's why these pictures are cropped so high!

 For some reason, I get a thinner face shot when I shoot from my right side.
Its like a condo for chameleons, and this little guy comes out to say hello!  And the journey continues.