So this is walk #304 and what better or fitting place to take a walk today than in a cemetery? This is Serenity Gardens, located about a quarter mile down the road from me. This will be the first time I've walked IN the cemetery, rather than just BY it. I was surprised that a couple of the graves were decorated for Halloween. This balloon was dancing eerily above this tombstone, and as I took out my camera to photograph it, the balloon literally turned slowly to face me, and rose up to the top of it's tether line. I found that a little creepy.
I remember thinking this would be a lot creepier at night, or with a storm as a back drop.
I just wanted to get this picture done, and get out of there. My overactive mind had me thinking about fingers clawing at my back, as outstretched arms sought to grab me from inside the vault.
Another eerie tomb, I'm glad I'm here by the light of day.
As I was leaving the cemetery, through the bushes I noticed SOME sort of wild animal walking toward me. Fearing that it might be a coyote, I had my camera poised to shoot at the thing that was about to consume me. As it walked by... I made a beeline for the exit, but shot this picture of this dog walking through the cemetery. It was collared, and didn't look wild, but I'm glad it didn't see me, and went on it's way. The journey continues...